Our Mission

Reaching people for Christ in Eastern Europe

Helping people out of poverty into a sustainable future

Based in the UK, Mission Without Borders is a Christian charity operating in Eastern Europe that works in partnership with local churches in some of the poorest countries in the region. Our focus is on helping the most vulnerable children and families, in the most difficult places, to overcome poverty and experience fullness of life. We help to provide welfare and support for those in need and believe that it takes a whole community to create happy and fulfilling childhoods.

We are an international network of Christians seeking to bring practical and spiritual support to those living in desperate poverty. We aim to transform lives across generations and bring hope to their futures. 

Christian charity in Eastern Europe

What we do

Working together with churches and families, from the smallest baby to the oldest grandparent, we provide practical help as well as educational and spiritual support. Our integrated and responsive method of working means we are uniquely placed to provide a holistic, whole-person approach to meeting people's needs”.

Across six countries, we work with local staff and volunteers to build the trust needed to make a change. These teams are best placed to understand the daily hardships that people from these countries struggle with.

Christian charity working in Eastern Europe

Where we work

Mission Without Borders is a Christian charity that works in six of the poorest countries in Eastern Europe to help communities break free from a destructive cycle of poverty. These countries are:

  • Albania: In a country where one in three young people are unemployed, it is important for us to help families in Albania deal with falling incomes as much as we can. Here we provide soup kitchens for the elderly, make families feel more secure in their homes and offer educational support to children. 
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina: This country has the third highest unemployment rate in the world. Therefore it is important that as a Christian charity in Eastern Europe, we help where we can. With everything that the country has had to endure, the support given helps people to look ahead to a more positive future. 
  • Bulgaria: With 35% of the Bulgarian population living in poverty, the work we do looks at supporting families to become self-sufficient. As well as this, educational and emotional support is given to children in need. 
  • Moldova: As the poorest country in Europe, the people of Moldova need as much love and support as possible. 85% of our beneficiaries live in homes with no internal running water and 90% of beneficiaries live in homes with no inside toilet. Our volunteers aim to make them feel valued and part of a community. This work involves reaching out to homeless people and providing them with hot food and warm clothing. 
  • Romania: We work in rural areas of Romania to support families who are struggling in poverty stricken conditions. 
  • Ukraine: Since the outbreak of the Russian invasion, we have responded to help the people of Ukraine where we can. We have distributed tens of thousands of urgently-needed parcels of food and hygiene products and continue to offer necessary aid. 

helping children and families in eastern europe

Supporting families in Eastern Europe


FAMILIES supported through our Family to Family sponsorship programme across Eastern Europe.

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Our impact

Thanks to donations from supporters and churches, over 1,500 staff and volunteers are helping to change the lives of families in Eastern Europe for the better. Nearly 10,000 children and families are supported through our sponsorship programmes equipping them with the practical necessities including warm clothing, firewood as well as educational, health and nutritional needs which will enable them to thrive.

Lives are changed through our sponsorship schemes by ensuring children have the school supplies necessary to allow them to develop as individuals. By encouraging people to sponsor a child in poverty, we hope to make a difference.

As a Christian charity working in Eastern Europe, we know that there is much to be done to help the region’s poorest families, and it is only through your donations and sponsorships that we are able to bring about genuine improvements in people’s lives. Our work as a Christian charity has been recognised internationally, and the thanks we receive – such as this personal message from the president of Moldova – we, in turn, pass on to you.

To make a donation, please click here

Click here to sponsor a child and here to sponsor a family

Changing lives in Eastern Europe


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91p in every £1 raised is spent directly on our work with children and families