
Use your time and skills to reach people for Christ

Supporting with the gift of your time

Would you think about volunteering with us? We are always looking for volunteers to help us raise awareness of the work we do. If you love communicating on social media or would enjoy public speaking at churches or schools, let us know. We also need people who can help us fundraise – whether by applying to trusts or putting on events – and volunteers to help with administration and logistics.

By volunteering, you will be making such a difference to vulnerable people struggling with poverty in eastern Europe – and helping them to discover the love Christ has for them.

If you are interested, please complete our volunteer application form and return it to us, and we will get in touch for a chat.

Please note that you must already have the right to work in the UK in order to volunteer with us.

Contact us to become a volunteer


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91p in every £1 raised is spent directly on our work with children and families