Summer Camp 2023

Can you make this summer a life-changing one for children facing poverty and conflict?

This year, we plan to take 4,500 young people for a holiday of their lives on our Summer Camps

This summer we want to host more than 4,500 children at Mission Summer Camps across Eastern Europe. It’s an ambitious number but we know how encouraging it can be, introducing children to new activities and watching the joy and excitement on their faces as they participate, and seeing the lives of young people transformed by a growing Christian faith.

This year we are running Summer Camps for children who have been displaced from their homes because of the war in Ukraine, and for children who live in great poverty - many of whom find themselves having to be the responsible one and juggling chores at home as well as school can leave a child exhausted, emotionally and physically. This is one reason why Mission Without Borders summer camps mean so much to children like Vlad and Albana.

Vlad and his family are refugees from Mariupol in South Eastern Ukraine. When the Russians invaded, they spent three weeks in their basement believing that everything would end soon, but it did not. There was no electricity, gas and running water and they cooked on a fire.

“Every time during the bombings, I prayed to God and asked for His protection. During that time, I saw a lot of things I would like to forget.” Vlad told us.

In March 2022 they were finally able to escape to the relative safety of western Ukraine. Thanks to support from individuals like you, those who survived the nightmare of war and fled from the intense conflict have received food and hygiene parcels, hot food and clothing and found acceptance, love and kinship far from home.




Albana's Story.

Albana lives in poverty on the outskirts of Durres in Albania with her mother and two siblings, four-year-old Gesi and two-year-old Olivia. She works hard every day doing chores around the house and taking care of Gesi and Olivia and rarely has time to play or relax.

Last year, Albana went on one of our Summer Camps and found it one of the most unforgettable experiences of her life. “Can you believe it? I get to play every day with my friends,” Albana said excitedly at the camp. The camp not only gave her enormous fun, it also taught her important life habits. 

“I learned to pray and to practice good hygiene, and now I have a better understanding of the importance of personal care. ... I learned to brush my teeth. I never do it at home because nobody asked me to do it, and I don’t have any time. When I wake up in the morning at home, I start looking after my brother and sister. They’re small and I must take care of them, feed and clean them and after that, go to school or do chores at home.”

Children learn good habits here which they continue to practice them when they’re back home. Although we often encourage children and their parents to maintain healthy hygiene when we do home visits, some still haven’t developed that habit. It’s much easier to teach them at camp. At some Summer camps we make toothbrushing fun by turning it in a group activity and letting them pick their own toothbrush and toothpaste.

Not only will young people learn skills for life at Summer Camp, they will enjoy tasty meals, sporting and art activities, spend time in worship and make some unforgettable memories in a safe and fun fellowship. Encouragement and guidance from trained Christian staff and volunteers will also give young people the opportunity to talk with the team, share their worries, and receive support.

Costs to run our Summer Camps have risen sharply this year. Venue hire, purchasing nutritious food, sports equipment and arts materials as well as volunteer training are just a few of the essentials. We can only make these camps happen through the kindness of partners in our ministry like you.

A gift of £13 could cover all the costs of a day’s camp for one child. It would be wonderful if you would consider a kind gift to cover one o​r more days to pay for a vulnerable child to attend camp. And a very special gift of £91 could cover the costs of a full week for one child to attend camp.

Please help us make this summer a life changing one for children. You can be a vital partner in making these camps happen and enabling children like Albana enjoy great fellowship, create unforgettable memories, and hear the Gospel on a safe, fun filled holiday.

Whatever help you can give would mean so much this summer. Together we can shine the light of hope into the darkness of poverty and conflict and share God’s love this summer.


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91p in every £1 raised is spent directly on our work with children and families