"I don’t want to imagine what I would do without MWB..."

Battling poverty at Christmas in Moldova

“I would give the little food I had to my children, telling them I wasn’t hungry.”

"Sylvia's voice trembled. A single mother, she has a job as a cleaner, but her wages are too low to provide her their daily needs.

"I had two choices – to break down and give up, or to just keep moving no matter what. I chose the second.


Her son Vasile is confined to a wheelchair. Silvia struggles to afford his medication and he needs to be home-chooled because the long bumpy roads make it impossible for him to go to school.

"I don't want to imagine what I would do without MWB's help with monthly food and hygiene parcels." Sylvia told us.

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Christmas is usually a difficult time for families living in poverty, the Trifan family are excited. The Mission Without Borders coordinator who supports them is bringing an Operation Christmas Love (OCL) parcel to their home, filled with food, goodies and literature about the true meaning of Christmas.

As they eagerly opened the box, Silvia quickly decided on the Christmas menu from what she found. The children happily opened a packet of biscuits and began to share them.

"Let's eat two now, and save the rest for Christmas," Iuiana said to her brother.  Then teased him: "Let's see you hold to that even for five minutes - I know how much you love sweets!"

Operation Christmas Love takes the pressure off hard-working mothers like Silvia, and gives children like Vasile and Iuiana the chance to have a happy, carefree Christmas full of good food and joyful memories.

This year, delivered 40,000 OCL parcels across six countries in Eastern Europe to the people who need them the most.

A gift of £25 covered the distribution and contents of one box and enabled a family in need to share with you the true meaning of Christmas, and for families and children to enjoy good food and build joyful memories.

With your support, we helped to bring joy and peace to many families this Christmas.



vulnerable individuals and families receive an Operation Christmas Love box over Christmas 2022.


Helping people at Christmas


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91p in every £1 raised is spent directly on our work with children and families